Gypsy Rose Blanchard, renowned for her tragic and controversial past, is starting a new chapter as a mom! On December 28, 2024, she and her boyfriend, Ken Urker, welcomed their baby girl, Aurora Raina Urker. The timing was extra special—it’s been exactly a year since Gypsy was released from prison.
The couple shared the happy news on social media, posting a sweet hospital photo of the three of them. In the pic, Gypsy is holding little Aurora, who’s adorning a cute pink hat, while both parents smile proudly.
Gypsy Rose Blanchard Welcomes Her Baby Daughter, Aurora—The Father Is Ken Urker, Not Her Ex-husband Ryan Anderson
Gypsy Rose’s journey to baby Aurora was both personal and very public. At 33, she announced her pregnancy in July 2024, not long after filing for divorce from her estranged husband, Ryan Anderson. People immediately started guessing who the baby’s father was, given the timing of her split. In November, Gypsy cleared up the rumors by sharing on social media that a prenatal paternity test confirmed Ken as the father. She even went into detail on TikTok, explaining her conception timeline and making it clear she was only with Ken during that time.
Aurora’s name has a sweet, sentimental story behind it, tied to her parents, Gypsy and Ken. Back in 2018, when they first started dating while Gypsy was still in prison, they both shared a fascination with the Northern Lights, also called the Aurora Borealis. Without even knowing it, they each picked the name Aurora for a future child. Even though they broke up and spent years apart, that shared dream stuck with them. After they got back together, it finally came true. Gypsy says the name reminds them of their special connection and the beauty they’ve found together.
Ken Urker has been there for Gypsy Rose nonstop since they got back together in 2024 after her divorce from Anderson. They were actually engaged back in 2018, but things ended before Gypsy got out of prison. After reconnecting, though, their spark returned, and their relationship grew stronger as they got ready to welcome baby Aurora. Gypsy even gave Ken a promise ring at their gender reveal party, where they celebrated their baby girl with friends and family.
Gypsy’s tricky legal and personal situation made her pregnancy journey further complicated. In Louisiana, the law assumes a husband or ex-husband is the father if a baby is born within 300 days of a split or divorce. This could have messed up Aurora’s birth certificate, possibly listing Anderson instead of Ken as the father. To avoid that, Gypsy and Ken took charge, got a paternity test, and handled all the legal stuff. Ultimately, they ensured Ken’s name was on the birth certificate, reaffirming their commitment to building their family together.
Gypsy Rose kept her followers in the loop throughout her pregnancy, sharing all the big moments and milestones. From her gender reveal party in August, where she announced she was having a girl, to maternity photoshoots and touching social media posts, she fully embraced this new chapter with excitement and gratitude. She often talked about her dreams for Aurora’s future, hoping to give her a stable and loving home, despite the current parole restrictions keeping her and Ken from living together. For now, they’ve worked out a co-parenting plan, with Gypsy staying at her dad’s place while Ken comes by regularly.
Gypsy Rose Blanchard reveals her future daughter’s name at her baby shower.
— E! News (@enews) November 18, 2024
Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s life has taken a big turn with the birth of her daughter, Aurora. After going through so much—her mom Dee Dee Blanchard’s abusive behavior, her role in Dee Dee’s 2015 murder, and serving seven years in prison—she’s been working hard to move forward. Since getting out, she’s been rebuilding her life, even writing a memoir, My Time to Stand, where she opens up about everything she’s been through and how she’s healing. Aurora’s arrival is more than just becoming a mother—it’s like a fresh start in every way.
Gypsy and Ken are settling into life as new parents, focusing on giving Aurora a life full of love, security, and chances to thrive. Gypsy has shared her dream of one day traveling with Ken and Aurora to see the Aurora Borealis in person—a goal they’ve both been excited about for years. For now, they’re soaking up these early days of parenthood, cherishing Aurora’s good health and the happiness she’s brought into their lives. With admirable determination, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is building a hopeful new chapter, with Aurora at the center of it all.