Amy Adams is one of the most versatile actresses today with acclaimed performances in movies such as ‘Junebug,’ ‘Enchanted,’ ‘Arrival,’ and ‘American Hustle.’ Born in 1974, she has built a massive fanbase who love her range and serious acting chops. Adams has won Golden Globe Awards twice and came close to winning Academic Awards multiple times, which goes to show her exceptional talent and acclaim in the industry.
One of the leading actresses in Hollywood, Amy Adams, is no stranger to taking the spotlight. Recently, she is once again making rounds, but this time for a movie that was released almost four years ago.

‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ available on Netflix, is currently trending on social media after former President Donald Trump announced Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate for the 2024 presidential campaign. The movie, based on Vance’s bestselling memoir, explores themes of poverty, abuse, and family struggles. Directed by Ron Howard and starring Amy Adams and Glenn Close, the film portrays J.D. Vance’s journey from a challenging Ohio childhood to Yale Law School.
Many viewers are currently watching the film on Netflix for the very first time. This has led to one particular curiosity: “Did Amy Adams gain weight for Hillbilly Elegy?” Let’s uncover the truth here.
‘Hillbilly Elegy’: Did Amy Adams Gain Weight to Play Beverly “Bev” Vance?
Amy Adams’ amazing transformation for the Netflix film ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ first made headlines in November 2020 when the movie hit the streaming platform. Fans were stunned by the makeover because it was not like the role her fans were used to seeing.
Adams’ character Bev is an unstable woman with a drug addiction in the story. She is a struggling mother trying to raise two kids, young J.D. and his older sister, Lindsay. The role of Beverly Vance demanded a transformation that almost made the actress unrecognizable. Adams used a wig and small prosthetics to get into the character of Bev. However, she did not gain weight for the role.
Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Adams revealed how she gave her hair in ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ a special nickname:
I always name my wigs, and that wig was ‘Beaverly’ because it was so hot it was like wearing a beaver hat on my head.
While there remains a natural curiosity about the actress’ transformation in ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ we can confirm that Amy Adams did not undergo any sort of weight gain to play the role of Bev in the Netflix film.
Glenn Close’s Transformation for ‘Hillbilly Elegy’
Amy Adams’ co-star Glenn Close is undoubtedly another powerhouse performer in the movie, and she showcased her immense talent when she took on the role of Mamaw, J.D.’s tough, chain-smoking grandmother. The actress’ transformation is genuinely crazy because this glamorous star somehow turns into a frizzy-haired, bespectacled woman for ‘Hillbilly Elegy.’
Close was able to pull off this remarkable makeover thanks to the expertise of hairstylist Martial Corneville and make-up artist Matthew W. Mungle. As you might recall, this is the same duo who previously transformed her into a man for the 2011 film ‘Albert Nobbs.’
The actress revealed that the entire process was painstakingly slow because her part required spending a large chunk of her time in the make-up chair. However, she was completely cool with it. Close embraced the necessity since her character demanded a major transformation to fully capture the authenticity of Mamaw.