One of the most emotional moments from ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 7 arrived in Episode 8 when Tim Godbee met Alex Byrd’s family, which includes her mom Zandra, brothers Ian and Evan, and dad Richard.
Before meeting Tim, it initially looked like Alex’s dad would be harsh and difficult to deal with. However, Richard simply melted because of how respectful and charming Tim was, which was beautiful to see. Needless to say, fans absolutely loved this heart-wrenching scene.
Richard and Tim also bonded over their shared love for Golf. Apparently, Alex’s dad wanted to become one of the best golfers in the world when his daughter was little, but as it turns out, a chronic illness called MS robbed him of this dream.
Tim Touches the Heart of Alex’s Dad, Richard Byrd, on ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 7

In ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 7, Alex Byrd and Tim Godbee’s relationship took a new dramatic turn, except it was pretty heartfelt this time around. The duo’s connection was quite strong from the start, but things got heated up as they dealt with personal issues and family expectations. It got even more intense after Tim decided he needed to ask Alex’s dad for his blessing.
The fact that the two had just moved in together and Alex had yet to disclose this particular detail to her father, Richard Byrd, meant she was understandably nervous about introducing Tim to him. In Episode 8, during a family gathering, Tim pulled Richard aside for a private conversation where he planned to ask for Alex’s hand in marriage.

To make it even more special, Tim had written a heartfelt letter expressing his love for Alex and his desire to marry her. As he read it aloud, Richard, who had been a bit skeptical about how fast things were moving, was touched by Tim’s honesty. Despite his initial doubts, Richard welcomed Tim into the family, appreciating the genuine emotion behind his words.
Prior to that heartfelt moment, the couple had a major blowup in their relationship. The night before their proposal, tension escalated when Tim, eager for Alex to open up more, pushed her to be vulnerable and share what was bothering her. Feeling overwhelmed, Alex literally covered his mouth during the argument and shut down the conversation in the process.
As expected, this hurt Tim deeply, leading to a heated exchange where he vented about how disrespected he felt and started questioning their whole connection and everything they shared. Despite what seemed like an intense fight, they eventually made up, as they both realized that their emotional bond carried a much stronger weight than whatever they were fighting about.

The next day, Tim proposed to Alex in front of her family, promising to love and support her. Alex, thinking back on everything they had been through, was super excited to start their life together and embrace this new chapter. Maybe Tim and Ashley’s argument was a blessing in disguise because their engagement showed how they could handle tough times and still come out stronger. This is definitely something not every couple can say, that’s for sure.
What Is Alex’s Dad’s Illness? MS Explained!
One of the most touching moments in Love Is Blind Season 7 Episode 8 involves Alex’s dad Richard telling Tim, “I believe in you” and “I accept you as my son” after he (Tim) read his heartfelt letter out loud. That scene was so powerful that it brought countless ‘Love Is Blind’ viewers to tears. The scene became even more emotional since Richard suffers from a condition called MS. A disease that he says robbed him of his Golf career. So, what exactly is MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic illness that messes with the central nervous system, which includes your brain and spinal cord. It happens when the immune system goes a bit haywire and starts attacking the protective layer around nerve fibers called myelin. When that happens, communication between your brain and body gets disrupted. Unlike a stroke which results in sudden, acute brain damage due to disrupted blood flow, MS causes gradual, chronic damage to the nervous system through immune attacks on myelin.
Because of this, people with MS can experience a mix of symptoms that vary a lot from one person to another. Some common ones include feeling super tired, having trouble with coordination and balance, dealing with numbness or tingling in different areas, muscle weakness, and sometimes problems with vision like blurriness or double vision. Cognitive issues, like having a hard time focusing or remembering things, can pop up too.

MS can be pretty unpredictable, with symptoms that can flare up or get worse over time. While there’s no cure yet, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms and slow things down, allowing many folks with MS to live full and active lives.
Meanwhile, it’s truly heartbreaking to see Alex’s dad, Richard, suffer from this delibating condition because he genuinely seems like an amazing soul. The parents are always among the best parts of every season, but this scene especially was perhaps the most moving experience from the entire season.