Pavel Durov’s arrest has taken a wild turn with the name Juli Vavilova (also called Yulia or Julia, we’re unsure what her real name is) floating around all over social media. The Telegram CEO was reportedly dating the 24-year-old crypto coach and streamer from Dubai. Before he got detained, he was looking forward to showing her around Paris. They had also planned a dinner.
There are several theories making rounds on the internet that claim Vavilova is more than just a romantic companion. Some sections of Twitter seem to think she could be a Mossad agent, turning this whole story into a real-life spy thriller.
Juli Vavilova: Innocent Influencer or Key Player in the Pavel Durov Conspiracy?
So, who exactly is Juli Vavilova? If you’re not interested in digging deep, she looks like your ordinary influencer, who’s into gaming, crypto, and posting glamorous pictures from her traveling adventures. With over 21k followers on Instagram, she’s been documenting her journey with Durov to locations all over the world. They had been to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan recently, before popping up in Paris last weekend.
During their trip to Azerbaijan on Durov’s luxury private jet, they visited the Azerbaijani Ministry of Cyber Security. They also practiced shooting at moving targets. Yulia, as many like to call her, reportedly struggled with handling the gun and failed in the shooting exercise whereas Durov hit all his targets, achieving 3/3 in the shooting session.
But now, Juli Vavilova’s online presence is being heavily scrutinized by the netizens, who are currently wondering if she intentionally led the authorities to the Telegram CEO. There are some arguments that she might not be as innocent as she seems.
Speculations on the internet are rampant right now, especially given the secrecy surrounding Durov’s life. Dubbed “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg,” his dedication to privacy is one of the most impressive things about him. The fact that Vavilova was with him when he got arrested is definitely intriguing, to say the least. The internet is presently questioning if she had something to do with him getting caught, irrespective of whether or not it was intentional.
Honeytrap or Coincidence? The Juli Vavilova Speculation Frenzy
It’s natural to get carried away when stories like this pop up in our feeds as we can’t help but compare it to spy drama narratives, but we should be careful not to jump to conclusions. The theories about her being a honeytrap or a Mossad agent are pure speculation at this point with no basis in reality. What actually transpired could be far less sensational, or it could also be as dramatic and entertaining as everyone wants it to be.
What you can’t deny is Juli Vavilova’s connection to Pavel Durov has brought her into a spotlight that is unlikely to leave her anytime soon. Whether she’s just an innocent influencer or a key player in this supposed conspiracy, her role remains unclear for now. And with her stopping communication and her loved ones unable to reach her since the arrest, the mystery is only getting crazier.
Baza Telegram channel revealed that Juli Vavilova’s relatives lost contact with her immediately after the entrepreneur was arrested. They claim the girl last spoke to her mother two days prior. Since then, she has not tried contacting them nor has she answered her phone. Her father talked to her on August 2.